5 Minute PhotoBlog

How to Get Creative with Mobile Phone Photography?

A mobile phone is not considered as a smartphone unless it has a camera. Big companies like Apple and Samsung boast built-in cameras of their flagship devices as soon as the mobile phone is launched. Taking a picture is the basic task of a mobile phone camera but we can put it to some other creative uses too.

  1. Take a snapshot of your daily life, like, snap of breakfast or a funny moment while playing with your baby.
  2. Use it as mirror, when in need.
  3. You are in a party, flex your photography muscles and shoot some memorable shots.
  4. If you have pet, take some snapshot and share it on social media.
  5. Declare photography as your hobby and go outdoors. Test your creative side to the extreme.
  6. Connect through social media platforms with other people by sharing your snaps. This will satisfy your social urges/needs.
  7. Occasionally, it is easier to take a picture and send it rather than explaining to someone.
  8. You have to sign back the document and time is running out. Relax sign the document, take a picture and send it. 
  9. Some teachers allow their students to take snap of the class whiteboard.
  10. Take pictures of the receipts during shopping and reconcile your expenses with peace of mind.
Do you want to add some more creative uses to the list?

//Image Credits: brandknewmag.com

How to Ensure Success in 21-Day Trial Program of a Habit Change

21 Day trial is an ideal program to make new habit. There is only one real requirement for the program to succeed. Perform that activity every day for 21 days, without fail. There is no exception to this rule. If you do happen to slip for even a single day during the trial period, you have to restart the trial all over.

In my opinion, following will ensure your success in making a new habit:

1. Research.
It is a good idea, to do some research work about the activity you want to make your habit. Pay particular attention, what are the common hurdles people face when trying to do it. Develop your strategy and action plan to counter those hurdles. This activity alone will boost your chances of success.

2. Mental Preparation. 
Prepare yourself for the upcoming 21 days, mentally. You can do that by either starting the activity in a smaller magnitude or by doing just opposite of activity. For example, if you want to eliminate the junk food from your diet, eat junk food the night before you start the diet control program. The urge to eat junk food will not return before a week and by then you would have past one week following the program. With little resistance, you will resist the urge and successfully end the program.

3. Recording Your Progress.
Noting your progress is important for the successful completion of the program. Note down your progress on any medium available to you whether it is a diary, a calendar or a white board. The important thing is that your progress is in the line of vision.

4. Focus.
Focus on one habit at a time. Move to the next habit, only, after you have successfully engraved a habit. Although, you can work on multiple habits at a time but I would advise you against it. Because, it is observed that attempts at attacking more than two habits at a time resulted in failure. Remember, slow progress is better than no progress.

Why Mobile Phone Photography is on the Rise?

Once the camera in a mobile phone was considered an anomaly, rather than a rule. But, now the situation has reversed. You can't think of a mobile phone without a lense somewhere on it. If you are in doubt, visit any tourist spot and you will see people taking photos and the funny part, the mobile phone camera beats conventional cameras in numbers. 

The craze of mobile phone photography has started with the release of the Nokia 7610 with a 1 MP camera. Mobile phone cameras have come a long way and now flagship mobile phones have started to bridge the gap of snap quality with their digital cameras counterparts. 

Since the mobile phone camera is always available, therefore, its owner's photographic brain is always in the "switched on" state to never miss a shooting opportunity. This easy availability to shoot an important moment and ease of sharing on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat have certainly fueled the passion. People love getting likes and comments about their snaps and videos and this has made mobile phone photography a really vibrant genre of its own, with its enthusiast followers getting bigger and bigger day by day.

// Image Credits: contrastly.com

Make / Break Habits in 3 Weeks - 21 Days Trial Program

Have you ever entertained a thought of making a new habit into your life? Hhmm. You tried it, but you never succeeded. I guess you have tried it for a couple of days but then lacked the motivation and discipline to continue afterward. If you are this kind of guy you will surely benefit from this post!

21 days (3 weeks) trial program is an ideal self initiated program to make or break habits. By the help of this program you can form habits like waking up early, exercising, quitting soda drinks, making new buddies, book reading, meditating etc. The list is virtually endless.

Similarly, 21 days trial program can also be effectively used for breaking habits as well, such as biting your nails, procrastination, and playing video games. 21 days trial program is an ideal and feasible solution.

Terms of the 21-Day Trial

There is only one simple term of this trial. You must perform that activity every day, without fail, for 21-days. If you do happen to skip the activity in one of the days before the trial is up, you must redo it all over. Remember, your brain needs 21 days to adopt a new habit.

Suggested List of Habits

Here is the list of habits that you can try out:
  • Waking up Early
  • Checking Email Once a Day
  • Going to Work on Time
  • Connecting with Your Parents
  • Flossing Your Teeth
  • Reading a Book
  • Doing Work on Time
  • Quitting smoking
At the end of my post, I will ask you to please share your experience, if you have already tried to make/change habit. I would also like to hear from you, if you are planning to use 21 – day trial method to make/change habit.

// Image Credits: times.com

Improve Your Images by Following Composition Rule, "the Middle Line"

Catchy picture, the one everybody adores, appeared riddle to me. I always tried to crack that riddle but it remained elusive to me. Today, I stumbled on the following video, which gave me a hint to that secret. After watching the video share your opinion about "the Middle Line" rule? 

How to Become a Professional Mobile Photographer

I've always wanted to have a camera and shoot like a pro since childhood. This was my dream but somehow it remained a dream till the recent past. You couldn't blame me for that because, in those old days, only professionals had the privilege to carry and operate the camera. Dedicated training was essential to just operate the camera while developing those films was really a nightmare for a novice like me. 
But thanks God, technology has revolutionized every sphere of human activity including the digital camera industry. Mobile phone cameras are in every hand and their operation is so easy that even a child can shoot photos and videos. Sharing photos on popular social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Snapchat have become another impetus to use mobile phone cameras.
So, I fall prey to all these inducements and have made it my new year resolution to master the art of mobile phone photography. I've decided to take admission in a photography course and practice what I learn there on my mobile phone camera. I'll also surf the internet for basic tutorials to boost my knowledge of photography. This is my plan, what you guys suggest, how can I fulfill my dream?

//Image Credits: iPhone Photography School